Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reunion Cancelled

The reunion has been cancelled due to lack of participation. Please write or call Cosme Cuellar or David Trevino for details.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Castro Reunion Head Count

Click on the link below to see a running count of the number of people who have RSVP'd to the Castro Family Reunion

Castro Reunion Head Count

Dear Family:

This is probably more for the older set that now have children living on their own but please review your family count to make sure you are either including or not including your independent family members in your count.

For example, I am counting my household (Me, Wife, Daughter+1) and my son (Eric, Wife + 3 kids) in family in my count for a total of 9. If you are not counting your children that are now independent and on their own with their own families, please have them RSVP to me with their family count to insure all families are counted.

It's ok to include them in your count, however, if you are not, then get with your children, and even your siblings, to make sure they contact me so I can include them in the head count.

Thank you!
Cosme and Arnie

Please email if you have questions - Arnie Castro

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Dear Family:

Cousin Cosme has requested a preliminary head count of all the family members that may be attending this years family reunion on Aug 7th, 2010 at the Buda City Park. Please respond with the estimated total of each member of your family that you believe will attend.

Please respond to my email address at as soon as you are able. Thank you for your support.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Family Reunion Update - Jan 4, 2010

Cosme Cuellar has set the date of the 2010 Castro Family Reunion for Aug 7th, 2010 at the Buda City Park. Cousins Margaret Montalvo (Cuellar) and Marina Martinez (Cuellar) have agreed to organize hotel arrangements for out of town visitors. David Trevino is in the process of creating flyers to send to those families not on Facebook.
We still need chairpersons and committee members. So if you'd like to volunteer please let Cosme Cuellar know.

Thanks to all who have shown interest so far. Let's hope this reunion will be one of many.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Family Reunion Update - Dec 20, 2009

1. Two dates have been proposed so far. Cousin Cosme Cuellar has proposed a reunion date of Aug. 7th 2010. Cousin Mari Parham has proposed March 20th, 2010 (Grandma Maria's birthday).

3. Cousin Cosme has proposed holding the reunion at Buda City Park. Lavinia Ruiz, partner to Cousin Robert Ligues has proposed DJ and location suggestions for the reunion.

4. Cousin David Trevino would like to send flyers to those who do not have access to FB or a computer. The sooner we can gain interest and solidify dates, place, etc. we can get the news out formally to the rest of the clan.

5. A wall post has been started on Facebook where you list how you're related to Sotero and Maria Castro. Thank you to those who have participated thus far. If you are a Facebook and Family Group member, please take some time to post your information if you have not done so already.

Please voice your concerns or approvals on the family reunion board or call Cosme Cuellar at (512) 786-6025. We look forward to hearing from you all.

Cousin Arnie

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Welcome to the Castro Family Reunion Website. This site was created to bring together the descendants of Sotero and Maria Castro. Our goal is to have a family reunion in either the spring or fall of 2010.

The location or dates have not been set. We also have not set up a committee to lead this effort. That should be the first order of business to make this a successful reunion. All family members who want to be considered for a committee chair should enter a comment on this webpage. All family members are encouraged to apply.

For now, this will be the central point of communication to help lead this effort. The first step in the selection process should be to nominate a reunion director. My nomination goes to Cousin Cosme as he has shown great interest in making this happen. I am better suited as a communicator and website administrator.

More to come as we move along.....
